Bar-Bare is one of a huge number of labels run by the mysterious Henry (or Reginald) Hines from his Greenville, MS base. I’ve already featured several of his artists like Vicki Starr, the Cherries and Ervin Little and there are many more to come such as the obscure Leroy King. The top side My Darling is a slow sparsely accompanied ballad on which King makes a very good showing. His high tenor voice really hits the spot, especially on the chorus. Flip is a gospel styled handclapping version of that old favourite Tennessee Waltz.
1. You can find Kris Holmes' excellent website devoted to Mr Hines and his recordings here.
2. Is the Leroy King who recorded "Help Me" / "I'm So Afraid" on Solid Soul 5134/5 in 1970 the same artist?
My Darling / Tennessee Waltz - BAR-BARE 1264 (mid 60s)