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Sir Shambling's Deep Soul Heaven

This deep classic is the male answer to Jean Battle’s great Clintone 45 and is, if anything, even more impassioned. Sam Dees’ great ballad could hardly be better interpreted than by the frantic lead singer, helped by the tasteful chorus, and a fine arrangement. This was cut by Neal Hemphill at his own studio in Midvale, AL and thanks to John Ciba particularly Hemphill’s music is now getting the attention it so richly deserves.

The guy who gets a co-producer credit, Cleo Page is a very interesting character. He was active on the West Coast scene for many years, making some of the most intense blues music ever recorded in the 60s and 70s with a style and intonation that harked back to the early post-war masters of the genre. Some of his social commentaries would not have been possible in those days however.

The only member of Ebony Essence that I can find any details of is Frances Busby, who you can read about here. Does anybody have any info on other group members?





Unsatisfied man / Let me in ~ GOODIE TRAIN 061 (1976)