I would guess that Danny Delaney cut his two 45s in New York, but both of these obscurities are worth checking out. The Boleg must have been the first, judging by the style, and although Shake Rock ‘N Roll is as routine as the name would suggest, The flip I’ve Got Eyes For You is a blues ballad of considerable merit, tastefully arranged and complete with a well toned R & B Delaney vocal. His other 45 is from much later and the strong JB influenced Stop And Think has followers on the funk fraternity. The flip, sadly, has had little or no public acknowledgement which needs addressing here. Faith Will Help You On, which has some lovely chord changes, may be more on the blues side than the soul one musically but Danny’s vocal comes straight from the church, full of gospel touches and the way he howls through the second half really hits home. The stop go style is very well turned out, and the horn arrangement is bang on. Easily Danny’s best form.

Shake rattle and roll / I’ve got eyes for you ~ BOLEG 1001 (early 60s)
Stop and think / Faith will help you on ~ SEEDA 100 / PALMETTO 100 (early 70s)