I'm only aware of a couple of singles by Beverly Crosby and the one on MPR is easily the most celebrated. That Didn't Stop Me is a funky little tune which has had some dance floor action, but the flip Have We Become Prisoners is much more to my personal taste. Beverly's beautifully modulated voice is well suited to this heavy duty ballad on which her gospel phrasing is heard to very good effect. The arrangement is kept simple and straightforward giving almost all the attention to the vocal – and Beverly delivers admirably. Pete Nickols also rates this track very highly as you can read in his article entitled "Deep Soul: Towards A Definition" which you can read here.
The Bareback 45 is straightahead disco which will suit those who like their divas big and upfront. I'm very pleased to say that Beverly is still singing in New York City and there are YouTube performances of her at St Peter's church.

Have we become prisoners (of our own selfishness) / That didn't stop me (from lovin' you) ~ MPR 40 (mid 70s)
You can be my lover / Promises Thomas ~ BAREBACK 526 (1977)
Isn't it lonely together / Inst ~ APO 312 (1978) (with WILL COLLINS)