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Sir Shambling's Deep Soul Heaven


The Miss Black America pageant hasn’t really impacted on the soul scene very much, an interesting if deeply flawed LP by the wonderful Moments and a rather mawkish Curtis Mayfield song notwithstanding. But this track by the 1970 winner Stephanie Clark is in a different class. Ms Clark came from Georgia originally but was living in Arlington, VA and studying psychology at Ithaca college in New York when she won the title. A woman of strong and independent ideas she went on several trips to Vietnam to entertain the troops, and later founded My Daughter's Keeper, a non-profit organization created to provide support and resources to mothers/caregivers and daughters. She subsequently wrote a well-received book on her experience of being a single mother.

Although she sang in a lot of clubs over the years I think this is her only record released. A pity as she has a really big voice which she controls well and her command of dynamics is first rate on Liberate Yourself, a fine song with just the sort of lyric she would have wished to be associated with. The instrumentation was recorded in Philly of course, that sound is unmistakable.

stephanie clark


Liberate yourself / Inst ~ SOUND AND SOUL 512770 (1971)